Madame Joseph Schwartz


Madame Joseph Schwartz. This old Tea rose is a white color sport of Duchesse de Brabant with all of the Old World cupped roundness in its blooms as well. In the cooler weather, the blooms carry a slight tint of pink on their edges. The weight of all its blooms seem to weigh heavy on its canes at times sending a cascade of color and fragrance down. Mine is planted on the second tier of a rock-terraced bed, alongside the stone steps leading upward so that everyone passing by can enjoy not only the year long blooming season here in central Texas, but the lovely fragrance as well. At least during the blooming season, Madame will sport a bloom back to the mother plant, Duchesse de Brabant and you will have a pink bloom alongside a white one. This rose is vigorous and can grow to 6 -7 feet. Hardy in zones 7 - 9.

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