

Lafter. This vibrant beauty is a hybrid Tea introduced into commerce in 1948 with blooms often described as a 'yellow blend', which in no way aptly gives any indication of the gamut of color in the petals. The free wheeling blooms are a blend of yellow, orange and pink, double with 23 petals and large, measuring about 4 inches across and fragrant. This rose is a cross between (V for Victory X General Jacqueminot X Dr. W. Van Fleet) X Pink Princess by hybridizer Brownell and has the best of all four parents. The blooms have the flamboyant coloring of General Jacqueminot whose scarlet crimson petals have a white reverse, a yellow faintly tinted with orange from V for Victory, and deep rose pink shading from Pink Princess. The plant gets its hardiness and vigor from Dr. W. Van Fleet. It is an upright bush with branching growth. It will grow from 4 to 6 feet and is hardy in zones 5-9.

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