Duchess de Brabant


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Duchess de Brabant, also known as Comtesse de LaBarthe is a Tea that was introduced into commerce in 1857 and has received nothing but rave reviews since. Her cupped blooms have been described as salmon pink, pink shaded with carmine-rose, light silvery pink, peachy pink and shrimp pink. Teddy Roosevelt like the rose so much that he sported a fresh bud in his lapel each day. Known for her continuous supply of fragrant flowers from spring to frost, many growers have stated that she is "the freest bloomer of all". The shrub, described as moderately tall, compact, vigorous, hardy and healthy will grow to six feet tall and four feet across. It needs little care, able to survive a Texas drought with flying colors, blooming all the while. I would describe her wonderfully fragrant, cupped blooms as a medium bright pink, with a hint of peach. Just beautiful. It should be the cornerstone of any garden.

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